Hear from leaders who are bringing Transit Oriented Development to America. Learn about sweeping changes in city living, the cultural shift to walkable urbanism, the ecconomics of TOD, and the many benefits & challenges to delivering it across America. More info
Hear from visionary urban designers, architects, and planners about designing for walkability, pedestrian-scale, and great public spaces. Learn about the importance of placemaking details, smart codes, pedestrian-only streets, and getting parking right. More info
Learn about the huge demand for TOD, best practices, and promoting smart growth. Hear from leaders in the transportation world who will discuss refocusing development patterns, re-balancing uses, and the value of mixed-use development around rail stations. More info
Learn about the sweeping national trend of corporations moving to urban locations to attract young employees, and the value of lively, mixed-use neighborhoods with close proximity to transit as the ideal corporate setting. Hear from respected BID leaders and real estate advisors about how TOD is one of the strongest factors attracting corporate relocations. More info
Chris Leinberger of LOCUS explains the sweeping TOD trends
Attendees hear development stories and learn TOD best practices
The Transit Oriented Development Institute is a project of the US High Speed Rail Association. For more information, interviews, or consultation, contact us by phone (202) 248-5001 or email: email (@) tod.org Mailing Address: Transit Oriented Development Institute US High Speed Rail Association